Pest Control Bulleen. King-Hit Pest Control Services specialise in
Control, Bird Control, Mouse Control, Termite Control, Building
Inspections, Pest Reports, Exterra, White-Ant Control, Bird Lice,
Cockroaches, Ants, Termites, Bees, Wasps, Spiders, Fleas, and other
Insects, Bugs, Rodents
Termites are an essential part ofour pest
management services. They are one of the mostdestructive pests to
a home owner. We are associated with anumber of termite
specialists who will discuss yoursituation with you. Pest Control
The benefit to you in thisarrangement is
that you know the person who comes to yourhome deals only with
termites. You can have confidence thatthey are specialists in
their field.
There are a number of termitecontrol
solutions and each persons situation needs to beconsidered. Do you
need a chemical solution or would atermite barrier be best. You
can have physical barriers orchemical barriers.
You may need a monitoringsystem or a baiting system which will tell you in advance ifyou are going to have a termite problem.
Termites attack existing homesso you
will need to have a termite inspection done on aregular basis. If
you are building a new home orrenovating, you will need to consider what
termiteprevention solutions are available.
There are a number of
companiesoffering all kinds of solutions, which solution suits youcan
only be determined after you have had a buildinginspection done.
This is the same for residential andcommercial treatments.
Which solution suits you canonly be
determined after we have done a buildinginspection. This is the
same for residential and commercialtreatments. We are fully qualified
and licensed as are allour technicians. Our office is computerised
so we candesign a full pest management program for you so you knowwhen
your property needs to be inspected and if necessary,treated for insects
or nuisance pests.
In solving your pest problem,we
believe there is a process that needs to be followed. Firstly we
start with the pest identification stage. Thisis essential because
we need to determine exactly what yourpest problem is so we can
recommend the correct solution.
It may be as simple as acockroach
treatment however, a lot of pests co-habitat andwhere there is one, you
will have another. Part or our pestcontrol service is to look at
the overall environment andtell you if there are other insects that you
need to beaware of.
Pests and insects are a part
oflife. They can never be permanently eradicated. We
willdiscuss with you a pest management solution that will enableyou to
be in control of what is happening in your home.
Pest Control Bulleen.